Digitalization and data-driven services – foundation for new business models and value creation
The ongoing digitalization is resulting in more data stored than ever. The digitalization and the vast amount of data it brings is a more far-reaching change than only automating processes. It’s an enabler for new business development and service offerings as well.
The Digital Strength Measurement is a new data-driven digital service, based on a fully #cloudnative event-driven big data streaming architecture. The digital service, with role- and subscription-based authentication, is designed for scalability and resiliency and implemented using a suite of #azurecloud PaaS services and Azure #kubernetes Service, to fulfill the business use case. Azure IoT Hub is used for #iotsensors device management, and #serverless functions continuously contextualizes each ingested time series data point, adding quality. Azure #cosmosdb is used for storing unified ERP data, that is also ingested in real-time through an enterprise integration where Azure #logicapps, Integration Account, Services Bus queues and #serverless function apps form an integral part.
It’s estimated that by 2025, 80% of data globally will reside in enterprises. Data is the foundation on which new business models and value creation can be built. Data-driven digital services are the future, and this is only the start.